
A showcase for getSignalTower (working name).
The Terminal component is a child to this Home component in src/app/page.tsx
It is conditionally rendered based on the state of shouldTerminalDisplay which is toggled by the button below.
The Home component is re-rendered when any of these three states are updated (useSate) appData, shouldTerminalDisplay, inputValue (onChange).
The terminal is passed an initial prop appData?.terminalMsg ?? 'no message'.
However the Terminal subscribes to the signal terminalMsgReceived and re-renders whenever a new message is dispatched.
You can change the message by clicking the 'dispatch' button as many times as you like.
It doesn't matter when the Terminal is rendered - it always displays the latest message.

The goal is to have a single source of truth for 'all' data in the app, but to avoid prop drilling and context API and still work seamlessly with React's render cycle.

check out the getSignalTower coderead up on js-signalscomparing getSignalTower, Redux, and Context Provider with ChatGPT